Alley Katz Australia®Org. is a volunteer driven, not for profit, organisation, located in Melbourne, Australia strictly for
the cooperative rehabilitation of displaced local cats. Cats that move on from our care, with the assistance of our supporters, are groomed and managed to be adopted. We do not engage in cat population reduction activities other than desexing the cats that are part of our welfare initiatives.

We work closely with other local cat rescue organisations to help manage cat welfare in half-way-house style accommodation foster care. We do not operate a shelter. We do not simply take cats off the street because they are there.

For this reason we rely the very generous support from the public, unpaid volunteers, veterinary hospitals, and rescue organisations to control cat welfare prior to rescue organisations playing their role to find cats their forever homes. Our expenses typically include vet care, desexing, microchipping, medication, accommodation equipment and facilities, food, cat litter, worm and flea treatments.

Alley Katz Australia
® Org. is a registered charity in Victoria, Australia, however it relies on donations and goodwill to achieve its objectives to offer survival with dignity to the lost and found.

® Registered Trademark